Sent long comment but app did not function and was lost. In short Pulitzer should be given to you for best coverage in Paris as I was unable to attend since my best friends medical appointments arranged by myself required my presence in Seattle so could not personally meet your great team. YOU ARE THE BEST! I totally rely on Democracy Now before I get out of bed in the morning! Continue coverage for Senator Sanders as all my communications to public need to use your website to massively spread the "real" facts to convince American voted they have the power to change our government to save the planet from sure destruction before I pass into my next life. I have taken responsibility for the damage my white ancestors who immigrated before 1776 caused to our slaves and genocide against our native people. Trying to repair my ancestors bed behavior with actions I personally performed in my present life. All must take responsibility for carbon in our air and how we consume. People can change how they think since my parents were Goldwater Republicans and I became a socialist and Buddhist at 19 in 1970 due to critical thinking skills my high school teachers taught me.
HerStoryHistoryTeacher about Democracy Now!